World Water Day: Making Waves with Water Education

Considering that every living thing on the planet needs water to survive, there’s no surprise that water education means the world to us at the Weo Foundation. We’re excited to announce that our efforts for expanding educational initiatives around water throughout South Florida continue to grow, now with the support of the Phillip and Patricia Frost Music of Science! And what better way to share than on World Water Day? 

While Frost Science is well-known internationally for its continuous dedication to science education, we’re thrilled to combine forces in our quest for supporting local science programs in Miami-Dade County Public Schools. Together, we will be forging new paths in the health and science realms, with a focus on STEM programs in Title 1 schools across South Florida in partnership with M-DCPS. “WEO’s support will create professional development initiatives and resources for teachers that will bridge formal and informal chemical education, empowering young learners to participate in scientific inquiry and build a more sustainable future,” shared the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science. 

At the heart of the Weo Foundation is a deep-rooted desire to help everyone understand the importance of water, every single day. Access to education around water knowledge, scientific research, and breakthroughs in the field should not be available to a certain few–but to everyone. With the help of Frost Science’s award-winning educational approach, we will now be able to provide that access to more young learners in Miami-Dade’s diverse school system, particularly in grades 3-5. 

Each elementary school level’s water science curriculum will focus on specific elements designed to engage curiosity and incite a desire to learn more about one of life’s most essential elements. Areas of focus will include: understanding how scientists are following the water, to better understand life on Earth, and to explore its possible existence in other worlds, as well as problem-solving and engineering practices applied to water filtration in order to obtain clean water for human consumption. 

By making water science education as accessible as water itself, we hope to be able to help kids make smart choices that benefit themselves and their environment. The Weo Foundation is committed to funding forward-thinking water research and education, and are excited to embark on this new wave of educational initiatives with the Phillip and Patricia Frost Museum of Science. 

To learn more about our other program with Miami Dade County Public Schools, click here.
To learn more about Frost Science’s many programs, please visit

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